You can check out the Dogecoin USD price at the top of this page. You can input the amount of DOGE tokens you want to buy in our DOGE calculator to know the exact amount of Dogecoin you will get after the exchange is complete.
Dogecoin (DOGE) Crypto Exchange
Access the best DOGE exchange rate on ChangeNOW and perform an instant conversion. No limits, accounts, or worries. Spend your time and energy on what matters — we’ll handle the rest.
DOGE Market Data
Dogecoin market info: DOGE price today, market cap, and supply
Dogecoin Price is $0.1687. Its current circulating supply is doge 148,406,676,384 with a market cap of $25,037,237,509.42.
$ 0.1687
$ 25,037,237,509.42
24h % PRICE
4.05 %
$ 1,566,722,935.94
7d % PRICE
-22.41 %
148,406,676,384 DOGE
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Why exchange Dogecoin (DOGE) on ChangeNow
The average time for exchange is about 5 minutes. You can track the crypto swap progress on the exchange page.
- 98%Triumph Rate🔥Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%
- 5M
Satisfied Clients
- 3 minAverage Exchange Time
- 980Currencies available for exchange

Top cryptocurrencies to exchange with DOGE
What is Dogecoin (DOGE)
DOGE exchange Q&A
You can exchange DOGE for any of the 850+ supported cryptocurrencies on ChangeNOW. We offer an instant and user-friendly process to exchange it with other coins and tokens. If you're not convinced yet, we don't need you to register, have no limits for exchanges, and never store your funds.
ChangeNOW offers two rate flows to buy DOGE with – both offer the lowest fees on the market. Our customers have the option of using classic rate or fixed rate at the time of buying DOGE. In classic flow, exchange rates may fluctuate depending upon network fees, market rates, and other conditions. With fixed-rate, we lay a small reserve to protect our customers from market fluctuations – that way, the rate you see in the beginning of the exchange is guaranteed to stay the same until the end.
Head to the top of this page to view the DOGE price in real time. You can also use our price calculator which will display the asset price with all the fees included. Don't forget to DYOR.
Currently, the highest price DOGE has ever amounted to was $0.682. The coin’s value reached an all-time high of $0.682 on May 8, 2021.
When the project was launched in 2013 its price amounted to $0.0005588. You can check the current price at the top of this page or by using our DOGE calculator.
The project was launched in 2013 by Billy Marcus and Jackson Palmer, two software engineers, making it around 10 years old.
Billy Marcus and Jackson Palmer founded Dogecoin in 2013 when it was forked from Litecoin.