Crypto prices
Get accurate real-time market prices for over 9 000 cryptocurrencies collected from top exchanges. Choose any fiat currency from our list as a reference asset.Market Info API
Real-time crypto prices and market rates
9 000+Cryptocurrencies
6+Top exchanges

Market analysis made easy
Market rates
Receive current market rates for over 80 000 crypto-to-crypto exchange pairs.Dynamic data
Learn price fluctuation of any asset over the past 24 hours and current market cap.Top exchanges
Our rates are aggregated from the best exchanges on the market such as Binance, Kucoin, Huobi, Gateio, OKX, Poloniex and others. You will see the available rate range.Tailored to you
Use our highly adaptable API to fit your needs. We are also open to customisation upon request, just let us know what you need.Simple integration
Easily integrate our cryptocurrency price API into your already existing service, a website or a mobile app.Stable and Reliable API
Use cases
Integrate our intuitive API and provide your community with accurate and reliable market prices, rates and dynamic data.
Use our solution for:
Use our solution for:
Tracking market rates, volumes and other real-time data
Learning accurate rates and making informed business decisions
Receiving blockchain data and network fees for each available asset
One solution – wide range of services:
Integrate with us
To access our crypto data API, simply contact us via the form below.
We will provide you with your unique API key and continuous support during and after the integration process.
We will provide you with your unique API key and continuous support during and after the integration process.